WEEK 1: What truths would I like to communicate about who and what I am today to all those much younger than I? Would they listen and understand? Could I when I was their age? If not, why not?

Sensationally Silver haired lady writing thoughtfully in a journal
Sensationally Silver haired female standing in a questioning pose

WEEK 2: When, if ever, do I lie about my age? Why? Do I think I am believed? How does being untruthful feel? When I am truthful about my age, how do I feel? What, if any, are other’s reactions to my true age?

WEEK 3:  When I was in my youth what did I perceive as the basis for the age gap between my elders and my peers? Their years? Vitality (or lack of it)? Interests? Attitudes and values? Experiences? Something else? How do I perceive the age gap now, from the perspective of maturity? What, if anything, can bridge this gap? If nothing, why not?

Two Sensationally Silver haired women embracing each other

WEEK 4: What has been my favorite time in my life so far? Why? Do I like myself more as I am in my memories or as I am at present?

Finally – so far, what have I learned from answering this month’s questions?

Follow the Sensationally Silver blog for more introspection on aging Sensationally! And be sure to visit our SHOP for the products that will care for your silver, white, and gray hair care!

Sensationally Silver man pondering sides of himself