Sensationally Silver

Our Hair Care Products

Celebrating Silver, Celebrating You!

Sensationally Silver is a unique haircare product line formulated specifically to reveal and enhance the mirrorlike brilliance and beauty of naturally grey and white hair.

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It`s Get to Know Your Customers Day!!
Share some pics of yourself being Sensationally Silver! We want to see you SHINE!!

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It`s I LOVE HORSES DAY!! What more can we say?? ❤️❤️❤️!!! ...

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This is Helen. She has been with us from the very start. She is a favorite and incredibly loyal customer of ours. She is featured on our website this month. ...

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National Postal Worker day originated in 1977 when a postal carrier in the Seattle area initiated a tribute to colleagues. Since then, July 1st has been set aside each year to celebrate and express gratitude for postal workers.

I live in a small town with a small post office. The employees are friendly, patient and enthusiastic about helping us customers. When the holiday season is at its craziest with packages of all sizes flying in and out I see these lovely folks as Santa`s true elves, working hard to send our love and gifts happily on their way.

Many thanks to all the dedicated postal workers everywhere for the fine job you do.

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Santa Barbara Locals!!

Robin Norwood invites you to Chaucer`s BookStore on July 10th at 6pm for the signing of the new edition of Women Who Love Too Much.

Bring your friends to hear her (especially if they love too much).

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This is Julie G. our latest gorgeous example of Then and Wow! on our website. Visit to find out how YOU could be featured! ...

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This year, Mother’s Day and Limerick Day are one and the same, mom wrote a little limerick for all of you!

Sensationally Silver’s the way
to bring sparkle and beauty to grey.
It’s the best-ever gift
to give Mother a lift
and to celebrate her special day!

Give the gift of SILVER to all of the moms in your life! Celebrate them!! 💜🩵💜

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Before electronic devices were employed to entertain and distract children, each culture and race had its own version of what for me was Mother Goose, a mythical nanny-like figure who stirred a child`s mind and imagination with rhymes, maxims and epigrams. I am amazed at how many of these I can still recall today and hope parents and grandparents continue to offer these precious gems to the little ones they love. Long live Mother Goose! ...

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Happy International Guide Dog Day

Back in 2014, this day unfolded into one of my favorite memories. My son was fourteen and my daughter twelve. The fact that they wanted to spend the day with their mom was surprising and wonderful at the same time. I thought it was just a random Sunday. Their dad was out of town, their homework was finished (they told me it was, anyway), and we wanted to get out of the house. The documentary, PICK OF THE LITTER, (now streaming on Amazon Prime) was playing at Leammle’s, the local arthouse theatre in Santa Monica. The film is about how a litter of dogs are trained and which ones qualify to be chosen as Guides. We arrived a bit late, and the trailers were underway. We got our snacks and made our way into the already-darkened auditorium. We needed to sit close to the screen because it was crowded. The film was delightful from beginning to end, eliciting many ohhhhs and ahhhs from the viewers. When the credits began to roll and the lights came up, I heard my daughter gasp and say, “Mama, look!”. My son and I turned to see the theatre filled with dogs - row after row of owners with their guide dogs. What a sight! Seeing all the sweet faces with their trusted companions warmed every bit of my heart. My children were in awe! It was a treat for me to see their faces so filled with joy. We hadn’t known we were at the film’s Los Angeles premier, complete with red carpet in the lobby. So fabulous! What an experience to share with my children! Today, April 24th , we honor man’s best friend and the noble profession of Guide Dog. ❤️❤️❤️

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The invincible little "dent de lyon" (French for " tooth of the lion", referring to its jagged leaves) beguiles children into spreading it abroad as they blow its thistledown puffballs into the passing breeze. Dismayed gardeners, trying to uproot it, face an impossible task as it regenerates if a mere 1/8 inch of root is left in the soil, from which it comes back even stronger than before.
It has been said that the dandelion, with its saucy yellow flowerhead, would be cherished if it weren`t so commonplace...

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Check out Kathy D., this month’s Then & Wow!! Try our products, send us your pics, and you, too, could be featured on our website! ...

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Happy Weed Appreciation Day!! Not THAT kind of weed! 😉. What actually is a weed? Any plant growing where you wish it wouldn’t. In parts of the midwest the sunflower is regarded as a weed - and dichondra, the ultimate luxury lawn, is known as the scourge of the Imperial Valley to those who farm there. So...a weed is in the eye of the beholder and one person’s weed is another person’s wildflower.
I love finding my favorite wildflowers on the farm - black sage, rock rose, horehound, borage, lupine, wood strawberry, California poppy and so many others that are a happy surprise every time, everywhere. Removing my not-so-favorites, ie. my weeds - purple nightshade, dandelions, burr clover, tree tobacco, Russian thistle, tansy - on and on - is an unending and hopeless endeavor.
I remember hearing a local nurseryman refer to a hillside covered in my all-time favorite wildflowers, the glorious Matilija poppy, as “those damn weeds”. Oh well.

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Happy Make Up Your Own Holiday Day!! What a concept! Today we get to decide what, for us, is worth celebrating, honoring, remembering - in whatever way we choose. An anniversary, an achievement, a date on which life changed forever, a loss, a milestone...even the weather! Where I live, if the surf’s up it gets celebrated at the beach. Today we have permission for a day off work or a party or an indulgence in self-care, to share a great meal or a decadent dessert, or enjoy it in solitude - we get to choose how to recognize or even celebrate an occasion or aspect of our own unique life. Enjoy!! ...

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This day of perfect balance between daylight and darkness is the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere and of Fall in the southern half of our globe. Fittingly, on this date we celebrate Earth Day as well as World Agriculture Day. The pressing need for sustenance in the ever-expanding human population has pushed advances in agriculture in some dangerous directions.
I know from my own experience as a grower that sustainable practices require more work and yield fewer profits - that rather than being primarily a profit-driven endeavor it is a life-style choice aligning with deeply-held values. Because sustainable farming is the only viable long-term option for us and the planet - thank you for your dedication. We give a grateful salute to those who farm small holdings and produce food in ways that support balance and harmony for all life on our delicate and wondrous planet.

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Butterflies are very particular about where they lay their eggs. For instance, for Monarch butterflies, only milkweed will do. Without it there can be no Monarchs. Plant what butterflies need - then leave the plants alone, even when they look ragged from being consumed by hungry caterpillars. Let these plants go to seed and plant new ones, too. Then enjoy your butterfly friends while they enjoy your garden - again and again. ...

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Which is better? To look smart and feel sexy? Or to look sexy and feel smart? No need to choose! We can do both at the same time with sparkling hair (thanks to fabulous Sensationally Silver haircare products) plus proud posture, a great big smile and clothes we love to wear because they make us look and feel our best. When we look good we feel good and when we feel good we look good. Smart and sexy? You bet! ...

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By a happy coincidence March 8 is both my daughter’s birthday and International Women’s Day. Because of the courageous and committed women who have gone before us and opened the way, today we are entitled to vote, hold property, manage our own money, gain an education, pursue a career of our choosing and in general realize our potential to a degree that was formerly denied us.
International Women’s Day is indeed a birthday for us all, commemorating past victories and anticipating greater parity, equality and dignity for women everywhere.

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2024 is a Leap Year in which February 29th, the extra day, is also known as Bachelor’s Day. Perhaps a day that comes only once every four years, a day in fact when it is traditional for women to propose to men, is a suitable occasion for addressing widespread fallacies regarding the lives of bachelors and those of spinsters.

We’ll begin by contrasting the words “bachelor,” a never-married man and “spinster,” a never-married woman. The first is seen as positive, the second as negative. Generally, a bachelor’s life, unfettered by the constraints and demands of a wife, is perceived as possibly somewhat immature but nevertheless glamorous, carefree and fun while a spinster’s existence, lived without a husband and family, is thought to be narrow, frustrated, unfulfilled, even futile.

Myth-shattering research by Jessie Bernard revealed that the happiest and longest-lived women remained single while the happiest and longest-lived men were married.

So much for the enviable bachelor and the pitiable spinster.

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February 11th National Inventors Day

With our present ease of travel and transport we may forget that once upon a time someone thought, “How can I make...” before the wheel was invented - followed eventually by a big favorite of mine because I live on a farm - the wheelbarrow.

Today we have cellphones and satellites but for one legendary year the pony express was a revolutionary means of communication across this country until transcontinental telegraph lines made those indomitable riders and their sturdy ponies obsolete.

Buttons and buttonholes, packets and gloves were once someone’s creation as was every object that makes life easier, safer, more comfortable and convenient.

Today honors all inventors throughout time who have wondered, “How can I...”

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Check out Isa A. as the current Then & Wow featured on our website!! We will have a new set of pics each month. Maybe next month it will be YOU!! Enjoy being SENSATIONALLY SILVER!! 💜🩵💜 ...

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